How to optimize title and description for youtube videos

According to study  the meta data of a YouTube video, containing the title, description, and tags, is the most important factor for ranking video on top. In this article, we’ll show, how to optimize your video’s title, description, and tags so that it ranks higher and receives more views.

Before you can begin improving your meta data, you must first determine which keywords your videos should rank for. Keywords are search words for which you need your video to show on YouTube and Google.

For example, when you type ‘health tips’ into the YouTube search field, our YouTube channel and numerous of our showreels display first:

title for youtube video

A smart title informs viewers about what to expect from a video. It’s straightforward, direct, and truthful. People are busy, and they need a reason to watch your video, therefore a title that is confusing or ambiguous is a bad choice. Similarly, fake titles make viewers feel tricked, which is negative for your reputation.

You only have 100 characters for your title (which is reduced to 70 characters in the search results), so use them intelligently. Important point is that, add the keyword first on the title, because, youtube algorithm pick more attention on first word on title. A good headline will be written for both search engines and human readers. A headline should capture the audience’s interest, elicit an emotional response, or provide a clear value to the viewer.

The goal for your video is to place the important keyword at the beginning of the title. If your headline makes total sense later in the title, try to include it in the first 70 characters. If your title more than 70 words, it will not appear in the search results.

Here are a few more ideas to help you write more compelling video titles.

1.     Make completely sure your title relates to the content of your video.

2.     Understand who is providing content for

3.     talk to your audience’s sticking points

4.     execute keyword research

5.     Add your main keyword at the beginning of your title.

6.     in the title, use brackets

7.     Examine your competitors’ videos

8.     convey clear value

9.     fix your title within 60 words

10.  Make completely sure your video title and thumbnail match each other.

10 Tips for Writing Viral Titles

Do you have issues with traffic or clicks? If this is the case, it appears that you require some assistance with your title creation. Perhaps the most important aspect of your video, article, or other piece of material is the title. In most circumstances, the title of your piece will be noticed first, followed by the image and introduction. If it’s very good, the headline can attract them to click (and thousands more, for that matter). It is your responsibility to ensure that all of your titles are indeed that good. Here are some suggestions to help you get there.

1. Make Big Claims

‘This Video Is So Funny You’ll Spit Milk Out of Your Nose.’ That is a bold claim. The one catch is that if you’re going to use a headline like that, your video must be truly entertaining. But, within reason, don’t be afraid to make the most bold statements. After all, don’t you think a title like the one above is much better than ‘A Funny Video Everyone Should Watch’?

2. Use ‘You’ and ‘Your

For the best results, approach the reader directly. One of your titles may be, ‘You Will Never Believe You Lived Without These 39 Life Hacks.’ ‘Your Cat Is Trying To Tell You This,’ you could possibly say. Make the title more personal for the reader, and you’ll receive considerably more responses.

3. Name the One Thing

For good reason, putting the number ‘one’ in the title entices clicks. Although it is the loneliest    number, many identify with it. It also adds to the suspense of the title. Which title is superior? ‘This One Way To Make A Turkey Sandwich Will Make You Swear Off All Other Sandwiches Forever’ or ‘Ten Ways To Make A Turkey Sandwich Will Make You Swear Off All Other Sandwiches Forever’ While both make strong promises, the title with the word “one” in it is much easier to comprehend and piques the reader’s interest a little more. Readers will be perplexed as to what in the world that solitary tip might be.

4. All Types of Numbers

The number one isn’t the only one that draws notice. Titles are also more likely to be clicked when they include other numbers. ‘79% of People Do NOT DO THIS IN THE SHOWER. ‘Gross’ could be one of the titles. Alternatively, you might have ’10 Small Changes That Will Make Your Cute Cat Suddenly Terrifying.’ Lists, facts, and statistics always perform well, so utilise them as often as possible.

5. This, That and People

These three words evoke clicks as well. Consider the heading, ‘People Who Do THIS Are More Likely to Be ‘That Guy.’ The term ‘people’ appeals to the reader’s desire to belong, while the words ‘this’ and ‘that’ excite the reader’s interest. Have you noticed a pattern?

6. Write Like a Human

When it comes to titles, don’t be so matter-of-fact. Write as if you were speaking to a friend. Instead of writing ’10 Ways to Listen to Music,’ try ’10 New Ways to Listen to Music That Will Blow Your Mind.’ More readers will come your way if you are genuine rather than artificial.

7. Time Is of the Essence

For added impact, include a time limit in your title, such as ‘Do This Today to Make More Money Tomorrow.’ ‘Fifteen Minutes a Day Doing THIS Will Change Your Life’ is another good title.

8. Break the Rules

Do you believe that titles must be brief and to-the-point? No, not always. Consider the title ‘You’ll Never Believe What This Guy Did to That Other Guy.’ They’re now friends! Crazy!’ A headline like that is bound to garner clicks because it is genuine, uses the word ‘this,’ and captivates the reader’s interest (What the heck did the one guy do to the other guy, the reader might wonder). Sure, it’s a long time. However, if the title entices more readers to click, it will have accomplished its goal.

9. Lists Bring Clicks

Lists are simple to understand and popular. They also work well with numbers. Whether it’s a list of ‘Ten Tips,’ ‘6 Tricks,’ or a list of ‘Eighty-One Pies You’ll Never Want To Eat Again After Reading This,’ these are great methods to attract people to click and read.

10- Create Curiosity

This is by far the greatest driver of traffic ever known to man. Notice how almost all of the examples above appeal to the curious side of reader to some degree. The lesson is to not give away the whole enchilada when writing your titles, but do give a hint of what’s to come. ‘If You Watch This Video And Get Scared, You’re Probably A Wuss’ will drive potential viewers crazy with curiosity. They’ll wonder, “Will I get scared?” There’s only one way to find out -click and watch. And that is exactly what you want.

‘This Guy Hid THIS in His Backyard and Went To Prison For 20 Years By Mistake’ is another amazing one. “What?!?” The reader may inquire. What on earth could somebody hide in their back yard to send them to prison, only to have it be a mistake? If people want to know the answer, they must click on the article and read it.

4 of the best YouTube title generators 

The stakes are high for YouTubers to develop and optimise high-quality videos, especially because YouTube SEO is becoming increasingly popular. To expand your channel and reach a larger audience, you must be strategic.

That’s when a tool like a YouTube title generator comes in handy. These tools will not only assist you in establishing SEO-optimized names for your films, but they will also assist you in creating more captivating titles.

Here is the 4 best youtube tite generators for rank your videos:

1. TubeRanker

TubeRanker provides several benefits such as channel audits, keyword tools, rank trackers, and so on. That’s fantastic since it implies you can perform everything with a single resource.

Entering a term into TubeRanker’s title generation tool yields a list of probable titles divided into two categories: Person or Place and Content Topic.

For context, here’s an example of the results when you enter the keyword “best camera for YouTube:”

2. SmartWriter

SmartWriter is a resource that offers personalised messaging services via an AI generator, as well as YouTube title generation.

To use this tool, first sign up for a SmartWriter account and then go to the YouTube Title Generator. You’ll next enter the keyword and video topic information and receive a list of title suggestions in return.

This is how it appears:

3. Weshare

Weshare provides a number of generator tools developed exclusively for YouTube content generation, such as the YouTube Name Generator and YouTube Video Description Generator.

The YouTube title generator is really simple to use and works in the same manner that TubeRanker and TunePocket do. Simply input a term, such as “best camera for YouTube,” and you’ll be able to sort among 20 options.

4. Capitalize My Title

Capitalize My Title is an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve the quality of their headlines while adhering to particular formatting guidelines (i.e., APA, Chicago, etc.).

The YouTube title generator tool allows you to enter a topic or keyword, receive 10 title suggestions, and then learn how Capitalize works. By choosing “Check Title Score,” My Title has ranked each title based on readability, SEO, and sentiment.

Here’s an example of the kind of results you can expect:

youtube video description

The video description can have up to 5,000 characters. It’s a lot of area, and you can absolutely use it; but, there are certain recommendations to support you. Only the first few lines appear on youtube search results, audience only show other lines on description by clicking ‘more ‘button.

You must describe and convey your video content in the first few sentences. In these initial few lines, try to include the primary keyword you want to rank for at least once. Enter the URL of the page you want viewers to go to after they watch the video. This might be your website’s homepage or a landing page created particularly for that video. To make the URL clickable, enter it as ‘http://’ rather than ‘www’ when writing it.

Include additional information about the video and its content in the remaining of the description. It’s also a good idea to give some information about your channel. Additional URL URLs that viewers of your video should visit can be added.

Use  6-8 times the keywords on description. Otherwise add minimum 3 times the primary keyword to the description, because , youtube can pick easily which content you upload by adding keywords.

Main tips for writing description on video

You must consider the following tips to rank your videos on top:

Aim For 200+ Words

Many YouTubers consider their description to be an afterthought:

Give detailed information regarding the video content on description, otherwise, youtuber doesnot your video, they’re not likely to rank it is search .

So, write long description around 200+ words. The video description includes video titles, tags and keywords that gives plenty of information, which helped the video to top.

Focus on First 2-3 Sentences

The YouTube algorithm prioritises keywords that appear in the first 2-3 sentences of your description.

In fact, YouTube advises you to “include the most relevant keywords near the beginning of your description.”

As a result, make sure to include your primary keyword (along with any other important keywords) early in your description field.

For example, check out the search results for “Cold Brew Coffee”.

As you can see, all of the top-ranking videos have that keyword in the opening phrase of their description:

Optimize Your Description for CTR

The introductory few sentences of your description are also important for the click-through rate of your video.


Well, the first 2-3 sentences of your description appears in the search results:

So it’s important to make this snippet SEO-friendly and compelling to click on. Otherwise, people may scroll right past your video in the search results.

Needless to say, you don’t want to include links to social media profiles or your YouTube channel in the beginning of your description.

Instead, start your description with the benefits someone will get from watching your video.

When people see a description like that in the search results, they are considerably more eager to click.

Repeat Target Keyword 2-3 Times

Now that you’ve included your keyword at the start of your description, repeat it 2-3 times more.

This is not a case of keyword stuffing (which can get you into hot water). You’re simply highlighting the fact that your video is about that topics.

For example, the target keyword for this video is: “YouTube SEO”.

The keyword isn’t forced or filled, as you can see. It only appears a few times to let YouTube know that the video is about “YouTube SEO.”

Use Related Keywords

Include relevant keywords in your video description. This provides more information about your video to YouTube. In addition, putting relevant keywords in your description will help you rank for those searches on YouTube and Google search.

For example, let’s say your target keyword is “how to use Photoshop”.

Related terms would be things like:

  • Using Photoshop
  • Photoshop tips
  • Getting started with Photoshop

So you’d want to sprinkle those keywords in your description.

Use Original Content

Make sure that your description is completely unique for each video you publish to YouTube.

An original description, according to YouTube, can enhance your YouTube rankings:

So, if you have older videos on your channel with the same description template, go back and rewrite an original description following the methods described above. This can bring new life into an old video.

Follow this rule:

If you’re having trouble with your description, try using this rule:

Of course, you are free to choose whatever format works best for you. This easy description template, on the other hand, will help you whip out great YouTube descriptions anytime you post a new video.

Keep It Conversational

Remember that your description isn’t just there to feed YouTube’s algorithm. Many users will read your description before deciding whether or not to watch your video.

(Some people hit the “Show more” button to read your entire description as your video starts playing)

For example, take a look at this description from this popular video (over 1 million views):

As you can see, this description includes several different keywords:

Having said that, the copy does not come across as robotic or forced. In fact, the description tempts you to view the video!

Optimize for Suggested Video

The column of related videos that shows on the right side of the video you’re watching is called “Suggested Video”:

Along with search, Suggested Video can be a significant source of video views.

How do you optimize for Suggested Video?

Well, YouTube states that your video’s metadata (including your description) plays a role in the Suggested Video Algorithm.

In other words, if keywords in your description matches the keywords in another video’s description, there’s a good chance YouTube will promote you as a Suggested Video:

So before you put the finishing touches on your description, find a popular video or two on your topic. Then, copy some of the same keywords from their description in your description.

hash tags in youtube video description

YouTube Hashtags (typically denoted by the “#” symbol) are tags that are added to video titles and descriptions to indicate the topic or genre of the video. Hashtags, according to YouTube, can boost a video’s discoverability on the platform.

Hashtags on YouTube function similarly to those on other social media networks (for example, Twitter and Facebook). When you click on a hashtag, you will be directed to other postings that use the same hashtag.

Hashtags are shown in two places on a YouTube video page.

Above the video’s title:

Or inside of the video description box:

just like with normal YouTube tags, hashtags help YouTube better understand your video content.

For example, hashtags like “#diet”, #paleo” and “#keto” help YouTube understand that your video is about health and fitness.

youtube tags for views

Youtube tags are used for a video, the youtube algorithm can find what the content is uploaded. You must use keywords to explain your video. However, you should consider why you need to include these words. So, the better the tags we select, the more likely we are to rank in the top 1, which means you will receive more views!

When you use meta tags correctly, you can increase your video visibility to many audiences and help new people find your youtube video. Nevertheless, don’t be encouraged to add unnecessary tags just because they’re popular. You will be identified and fined as a result.

Tags can be up to 30 characters long, with a total of 500 characters available in the tag section. Here are the three primary sorts of tags you should use:

As a tag, use your primary keyword.

Any LSI keywords will fine.

Any words that explain the video’s content.

Brand-related and channel-specific tags

Using brand and channel tags will assist your video appear in the’related video’ area. Looking at the tags your competitors are using is one technique to acquire relevant keywords.

The VidIQ Chrome addon is a simple way to accomplish this. When you add it to your Chrome browser, you’ll be able to see the meta tags that videos employ. Turn on the VidIQ extension and search for videos that are similar to yours.

What are the three YouTube tag types?

Tags on YouTube are classified into three types, each of which serves a distinct purpose. The tags are as follows:

Specific – The specific tag types are focused on keywords. These keywords are particular to the content of your video. The keyword tags highlight the specific video in this tag type. YouTube frequently offers phrases and keywords based on the content of your video as you type them in your head. You can use the ideas while also adding more broad or frequent variations of the same keywords.

Compound tags– Compound tags are those that contain more than two words. Many times, people choose to tag the entire title of the video. If you use your movie title as the compound tag, make sure you don’t include prepositions like or, as, and so on. This is due to YouTube’s limit of 500 characters in the title, which ignores prepositions. It is usually recommended to use all 500 characters provided by YouTube without wasting them on prepositions, as they will be ignored.

Broad tags– Generic tags are those that explain the full video in one or two words. You can use all these tags of all videos of yours. It is essential to have such broad consistent tags.

Part 2: How to find YouTube tags and optimize them

The more relevant tags you include, the better. The best part is that YouTube does not limit the number of tags, but adding all of them is impossible, and adding something unnecessary makes no sense. As a result, for more views, your YouTube video tags must be intelligent.

Brand-Related Tags In addition

Every business wants its brand name to appear in YouTube and Google search results. Self-referencing your video or tagging your brand name in a variety of versions is an effective strategy to let others know about your brand.

Using YouTube Auto Suggest

Experiment with the YouTube search tool and look at the YouTube suggestions when you search. Try to identify the typical videos that appear when you search for anything significant and relevant to yours. Try searching for random terms based on your YouTube search history.

Make use of the YouTube Keyword Search Tool

Finally, make use of the YouTube keyword suggestion tool. It enables you to extract relevant keywords from your competitors’ videos and generate suggestions based on the basic phrase you provide.

Use Specific Tags

Through using tools, you should narrow it down your tags, such as “learn 3D paper cutting.” Although the search volume is not large, these types of tags can help YouTube recognise your video. Give it a go!

Analyse Competitors’ Tags

It is not recommended that you replicate all of the tags from other brands. What you need to do is figure out what you’re missing and try to fill in the gaps. However, only third-party tools can assist you in accomplishing this. VidIQ is widely used in the market. It is available in a free version. For higher views, the majority of the data, including tags, may be accessed.

Best youtube tag generator

The best useful tags generators for videos are:

1.    Tubebuddy

2.    Vidiq

3.    Rapid tags

4.    Tunepocket

5.    Keyword tool

6.    Kparser


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